Our alumni demographic is changing with each graduating class. Young alumni have different needs than graduates ten or twenty years out. Most of our grads are so busy with career, travel and family that communicating and engaging with them has become a complicated exercise in tactical manoeuvres. But is is really that difficult?
All we really need to do is ask and listen. They tell us all the time what they want. They tell us through open rates on emails, click-throughs on websites, and attendance at events. They tell us through LinkedIn and Twitter connections. And they tell us through boasting publicly about their degree and where it is from. I believe our alumni do want to engage with us, if we do it on their terms.
We need to really hear what they are telling us by analyzing the data we already have, and by going out and personally talking to them, whether in a one-one meeting or at an event they are already at. Face-face connections are invaluable. Listen to the data, find out where they are and go there. Ask them how they want to engage with us, and let them know they have been heard.
In our digital world, it's not hard to customize engagement opportunities based on segmented groups- whether by age, affiliation or industry sector. Once we understand what a particular group wants and needs, we can give it to them in a content-rich and quick-to-absorb communication piece, through a student interaction, or at an event. We can make it valuable and meaningful for them, and also enjoyable!
They will appreciate being heard, and we will see the return on our investment of time.